Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

December 7, 2008

Tag Train #15

If you want to chug along, you can catch up on these train stations: Tag Train #1, Tag Train #2, Tag Train #3, Tag Train #4, Tag Train #5, Tag Train #6, Tag Train #7, Tag Train #8, Tag Train #9, Tag Train #10, Tag Tain #11, Tag Train #12, Tag Train #13, Tag Train #14, Tag Train #15 … next stop HERE!

1. Do you have fake trees or real trees? Fake trees but I badly want a real tree this year. I hope hubby finds a way to get me one.

2. How long do you keep your tree up? Until January.

3. Do you travel on Christmas? Nope.

4. Do you sing Christmas songs? Yep! And right now, I'm playing Celtic Woman's "A Christmas Celebration" album. I really love their voices. They sing like angels.

5. Make cookies? Yup but I'm not a pro. ;)

6. What's your Christmas wish? Healthy pregnancy and safe delivery, good health for my family and friends, peace on earth, and lots of shopping money. Haha!

7. Do you like Green or White Christmas'? White... it's really magical!

8. Santa or old Saint Nick? Aren't they the same? Hmmn... (Wikipedia explains it HERE)

9. Do you put Candy Canes on your Christmas Tree? Only the "fake" ones.

10. Are you on the naughty or nice list? In between. Haha!

11. Give one reason why you think you're on the list you chose. Because I've been BOTH this year so it's safer to say I'm in between. *winks*

12. Do you have any cute holiday outfits? No. But once lil munchkin's out, we will surely have a uniform holiday outfit. Read this hunn? LOL!

13. Does your family get a picture taken and send it out in Christmas cards? Not yet but next year we will. It's going to be lil munchkin's first Christmas. :)

14. What type of tree topper do you have? No tree yet but I'm planning to use a golden angel doll topper.

15. On a scale of 1-10 (10 is the highest), how decorated is your house? You mean for the holiday season? Hmmn... 2. That's because we don't have a tree yet and hubby hasn't put the lights yet on our windows.



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