Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

December 27, 2008

Wish Granted!

This exercise equipment has been on hubby's wish list for quite some time now and although he told me not to get him anything for Christmas, hard headed me went ahead and got him the AB ROCKET! Of course, he couldn't say NO because I already placed the order before telling him. Hehe! So hunn, enjoy your Ab Rocket and make use of it so you will be able to achieve the body you've been dreaming of. *winks*


The Ab Rocket is a new way to work your lower, upper and middle abs and even your sides, giving you the body that you've always wanted. In just five minutes a day, the Ab Rocket will rocket your abs from flab to fab! Plus, it come with the Fat Blasting System: a low calorie meal plan filled with mouthwatering, easy-to-make, low calorie recipes, and a fun instructional DVD with two five-minute ab workouts, a cardio workout and a Pilates assister.



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