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February 12, 2009

Aphrodisiacs That's Healthy For You

Well, it's the love month and one of the hottest topics that people talk about this time of the year is APHRODISIAC - a substance which is used in the belief that it increases sexual desire. The name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sensuality.

Now let's do the countdown! I know your excited! *winks*

1. Chocolate: The mysterious powers of chocolate are well loved. Whatever is in the sweet substance that sends us running back for more, it's definitely indispensable to Valentine's Day.

2. Coffee: The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant that ups the heart rate and makes the blood flow. Additionally, it is the top source of antioxidants in the American diet, according to a 2005 University of Scranton study.

3. Oysters: One of the most notorious aphrodisiacs, oysters are high in zinc and have a reputation for being great for love and fertility.

4. Arugula: According to, this peppery plant has been documented as an aphrodisiac since the first century A.D. Toss it in a vibrant salad to give it a try.

5. Figs: Used by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the fig paradoxically symbolizes both sexuality and modesty.

6. Pine Nuts: High in energizing zinc, pine nuts are also considered aphrodisiacs because of the effort required to procure these oily gems from pinecones.

7. Honey: Birds and bees ring a bell? Honey is made through pollination and is a symbol of procreation. The word "honeymoon" got its name from mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey, which was given to the happy couple.

8. Chili Peppers
This invigorating spice has an exotic reputation and stimulates endorphins. No wonder it is considered a symbol of love. Arriba!

9. Bananas: Rich in potassium and vitamin B, bananas are a feel-good food. For a sweet overindulgence, try a banana milkshake made with ripe bananas, milk and honey. According to, the combination will calm your stomach and re-regulate your blood sugar.

10. Avocado: It could be the sensuous pear shape or the rich flavor of the fruit that gives avocado its aphrodisiac reputation. Whether added to salad, pureed in soups or chopped into the perfect bowl of fresh guacamole, the sea-green treat is perfect on your Valentine's table.

List courtesy of Meaghan Cameron.



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