Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

August 31, 2009

Free Baby Shower Invitations

Prepping for the arrival of a new baby can be overwhelming. I know this because just a year ago, I was also in the same situation. You need to prepare a lot of things - the baby's room, clothes, stroller, carseat, etc! And most importantly, you need to prepare yourself emotionally and physically for delivery day. See how overwhelming it is? That's why I advice moms-to-be to unload some chores and let other people do it if they can. If your friends are throwing a baby shower for you, let them do all the planning and prepping. Allow them to take care of the Baby Shower Invitations, the food and the venue. Having not to worry about these details will do wonders on your well-being. Trust me, it works!

Anyway, if you don't want your friends to spend a fortune on the invitation baby shower, I have a solution for that. Tell them to go online and visit Cards-411 at They offer free baby shower invitations just like the ones you see below:



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