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September 2, 2009

Shopping Tips For a Discount Sale Promotion

I love shopping during "SALE" seasons but oftentimes I would end up buying those things that I don't actually need. So to help me with this problem, I scoured the internet for some shopping tips to avoid this mistake and here's what I found. It's an article written by Samit B for Ezine. Hope we all learn from it! :)

With the economy still in a downturn mode, and demands and sales plummeting down, there is hardly any option for the major brands in business other than offering a mind blowing discount on its items and products.

You can now see them at every corner of any shopping mall across the country, and probably the globe. If a mall is designed in such a way that every store attracts human eyeballs, they are now making the eyes pop out of their sockets with the discount tags dangling from every shop window. Blackberry, Reebok, Lilliput, Zapp, AND, Starmark, one feels dizzy with discount. This is not only for the consumer items but has well spread across consumer durables, home and household products and even some industrial products too.

The sale season is not restricted to the malls. Streets are covered with sale signs and "Have to go Today signs". What these companies are doing are basically to push these goods off the shelves and warehouses to bring in liquid cash and reduce overheads. Remember that what these companies are banking upon is mostly "Impulsive shopping". Since discount sales are a way of life now, here's how to make the most of them:

You need to know the market for the product. You need to know what prices are usually offered during this time of the year and what about its competitors. Remember there are some products which give out normal discounts at different times of the years. Refrigerators and Air conditioners usually cost less during winter, room heaters during summers. Also you need to understand whether the discount is really as much as being promised or are there any hidden costs. Many times these companies pick up an additional substantial amount by including it in shipping and freight/installation charges etc. So ask your sales person what other charges would be levied.

You usually can't exchange stuff bought during a sale. This is more or less the general rule while these huge discounts are offered. Assuming that the company wants to get rid of 10000 pairs of Jeans that's been lying in their warehouse and shelves for the last 11 months or so, it is most natural that quite a few of them might be discolored, or may have scratches or stains in them. So, in most cases, it is 'NO EXCHANGE'. Check this out a forehand, and so while deciding on a fresh pair of trousers, insist or spare the extra time of trying it out in the trial room.

Is it really worth it to buy three shirts for the price for two, when they look almost the same? Think it over and over, do you really need three shirts. It's just the business's way of making you cough up with more money that you would normally do by luring you into more discounts. One solution is to find someone who might also need a shirt and go for it jointly to grab the offer.

Or you may not want the half-its-original price -dinner-set at all. he he just wanted you to think back and see whether you really want this 176 piece Dinner Set at all. I mean isnt the 72 piece fine with you and your family and friends? move out of the section which is offering the discount, stand in a corner and think if it is really essential for your home, or how much need is for you to use it?

Be ready to do some quick calculations in your head while you are guessing the discount amount and percentage. It usually needs a fair knowledge of conversion from percentages to amounts and vice versa. it would also need some knowledge of fractions. There's no time to pull out the calculator so probably you would need to work it out mentally. Others may also use the cell phone's calculator section.

Be prepared to wait - at the trial rooms, at the cash counter. It's expected that there would be a huge response to the "All goes today" sign shouting at every passerby, you may need to give yourself much extra time at these places.

Avoid 'rush hours', especially those in the evenings, weekends and the last day of the sale. Though the last day of the sale does through up some times an additional offer or two, it is not advisable to grab this opportunity for most kind of items and products since all the less attractive and defective products are left there as left-overs. You have a better chance of shopping well if you go when few others are expected.

Keep a check on your temper. It has a high chance of going upwards. The crowd, the chaos, the hours are going to make you want to snap - but that will spoil the fun. This is also lucrative for all of them as much as it is to you.

SO remember these tips and enjoy a 'happy shopping'.



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