Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

November 1, 2009

Better Safe Than Sorry!

Call me paranoid but whenever I go to movie houses or go inside tall buildings, the first thing I look for are fire EXIT SIGNS. I just want to know where to run in case of emergency. Well, you can't blame me for acting like this. I had a traumatic experience when I was just a little girl. My mom brought me to a shopping mall to buy new clothes for our Christmas Party when suddenly we heard an alarm. At first we thought the mall was being robbed but someone shouted "fire" and we all panicked except for my mom though. She immediately looked for the exit sign and dragged me in that direction. The security guards and the sales personnel told everybody to calm down and instructed them to follow our lead. We all made it safely outside and were very relieved that none of us got hurt. The fire was extinguished even before the firefighters arrived. Thanks to the brave souls who took the initiative to put off the fire themselves by using the fire extinguishers on the second floor where the fire ignited. It was from that incident that I learned to look for emergency exit signs whenever I visit new buildings, ride airplanes or ships. Better be safe than sorry, right?



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