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September 5, 2009

How To Pluck Eyebrows

Do you find it difficult to shape your eyebrows? Well, here's a tried and tested trick from

Plucking Your Eyebrows

Eyebrows and beautiful eyes Well-shaped eyebrows can take your face from ordinary to dramatic and beautiful. As long as you do not over pluck it, today's eyebrows are natural looking with a tapered arch, and you can groom them yourself in a few easy steps.

1. Look for photos of women in the magazine, same face shape like yours and the brows you like.
2. Draw your desired brow with a white pencil.
3. To ease the pain, numb brow area with an ice cube.
4. Finally, pluck out stray hairs that lie outside the white area you have penciled.
5. If you are nervous about shaping your own eyebrows, ask friends to refer you to a salon that does it well.



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