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September 14, 2009

Makeup Looks for Fall 2009

Every season there is a new look and trend, Fall is an especially wonderful time for the new looks in makeup. The Fall 2009 makeup looks will prove to be especially dynamic and bold, deep rich colors will be the look of the Fall season.

Finding your best Fall makeup looks will depend on your personality and preferences but the following top 10 Fall Makeup Tips can be used as a guide so that you put your best face forward.

Mineral Makeup

Natural, nude makeup is the one of the hottest makeup products of the season. One of my favorite brands of Mineral makeup comes from MaryKay cosmetics, I use the mineral makeup on a daily basis and love it. I chose the MaryKay mineral makeup because I was able to get an exact match with my skin tone with the help of my MaryKay consultant. I also really like the makeup brush that can be purchased along with the mineral makeup, the MaryKay mineral makeup and brush can be purchased for $28.

Bold Lips

Dark deep reds, deep oranges, deep hot pinks are the lip colors for the best Fall makeup looks. Using foundation on the lips before applying lip color really helps to hold the lip color and make the lip color stand out even more.

Strong Eyebrows

Full, dark eyebrows are one of the powerful makeup looks for Fall 2009. The strong eyebrow makeup look can be achieved by coloring in the eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil that is one shade darker than your own eyebrows.

Smoky Eyes

Deep dark, rich eyes are the hot makeup look for Fall. The browns, coppers and golds are the in colors for the Fall 2009 makeup season. The browns, coppers and golds are also popular for nail color, coordinate the eye colors and nail colors for a professional, put together look.

Black Eye Liner

Be prepared for lots of black eye liner, cat eyes are back if you dare. The darker the eyes, the better for the top Fall makeup looks.

Black Mascara

Going along with the makeup look of dark eyes is black mascara. One of my favorite brands of mascara is Lash Blast by Revlon which can be purchased for under $10 at drugstores or grocery stores. The Lash Blast gives the eyelashes a really full, deep dark look. My eyelashes are fairly thin but when I use Lash Blast mascara in black, it makes my eyes pop.

False Eye Lashes

If you have not used false eyelashes in the past, now may be the time to learn how to use false eyelashes. To obtain the Fall 2009 makeup looks, false eye lashes can really help to obtain the dramatic effect of the dark, deep eyes. I have found really nice false eye lashes at the local drugstore near my home and the costs have been under $5 for a set of false eyelashes.


The metallics are also big for the makeup looks for Fall 2009, the deep greys and industrial type colors work well this Fall makeup season.

Sequins and Gems

Sequins and gems are another Fall makeup look, this is a quite daring look and would most likely be best for a nightclub type look. Attaching tiny sequins to the eyelash line is a huge hit but it takes lots of practice and patient to apply the product properly. The look of sparkly eyes is quite stunning when done properly.

Emphasize an Area

Make sure to emphasize just one area of the face, if you are going bold on the eyes make sure to go subtle on the lips and the other way around, if you are going bold on the lips make sure to go subtle on the eyes.

The Fall makeup looks are daring and bold, the Fall 2009 season is a great to time to take a little risk with makeup and be a little more daring than usual. It is important to remember to keep makeup in balance and not too go overboard in multiple areas of the face, pick one area of the face and push the limits in the one particular area if you choose.




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